How To: Simple Syrup

*Sarah here* Truth be told I've loved cooking for years and I’ve felt fairly confident in the kitchen at home; however, when it comes to cocktail making I've always felt like a total amateur.

You know when you just haven't tried to do something, and you think it’s going to be SO much harder than it actually is? Thank goodness Monique taught me that cocktails are really easy AND really fun to make. Cocktails are so simple, you can make a damn good one with simple syrup, fizzy water, and booze. So why, why, was I always freaking out? You had me at simple syrup……so today we break down the incredibly easy way to make simply syrup. A base so simple you can infuse it with literally anything and make all the different drinks you please. You ready guys? It is simple and easy, requires less than 5 minutes and stores for up to one week!  It’s two steps! 

Grocery List:

1 cup water
1 cup sugar

Note: If you want to increase or decrease this recipe, use whatever measurement you want as long as the water to sugar ratio is 1:1.

Note for the note: If you would rather make a less processed form of simple syrup you can use honey and/or coconut sugar… really anything you want.  Our recommendation here is to use a 1:0.5 ratio.  Meaning use a ½ cup honey and 1 cup water.  Just know that whatever flavor you use for the sweetener will be reflected in your drink 😊

How To:
Combine equal parts water and sugar into a small/medium sized saucepan on high heat. 

Bring to a boil and stir occasionally. Once at a boil, remove from heat and let cool.

Pour Simple Syrup into a jar-- it saves in the fridge up to a week! 

Tip: If you are infusing the Simple Syrup, add other ingredients once the sugar and water reaches a boil and lower the heat to low, allowing the infused ingredients to simmer for 2-5 minutes.  Remove from heat and let cool.  Strain out infused ingredients.


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